
martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Reality check

Reality check Monday. It is good to know what people really thinks about us, right? Even if it hurts, even if we do not think it is fair. This is how special things are. This is how unique relationships end up by being.

A big slap in the face and a good reminder of why I should keep the distance (in every possible way). A not very nice way of forcing myself to have a reality check.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

A man in love

"If I say that the painting contained elements recalling Indian miniatures painted under British influence, and Chinese and Japanese bird paintings, with Audubon's attention to detail, and even the bird series that came packaged with a brand of chocolate biscuits sold in stores across Istanbul, please bear in mind that I was a man in love"

Orhan Pamuk, The museum of innocence

martes, 16 de abril de 2013


In a very packed tramway in Brussels: "Is everyone ok dad? I just heard what happened. Call me if you are up. Love..."

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

The happiest moment

“In fact no one recognizes the happiest moment of their lives as they are living it. It may well be that, in a moment of joy, one might sincerely believe that they are living that golden instant "now," even having lived such a moment before, but whatever they say, in one part of their hearts they still believe in the certainty of a happier moment to come. Because how could anyone, and particularly anyone who is still young, carry on with the belief that everything could only get worse: If a person is happy enough to think he has reached the happiest moment of his life, he will be hopeful enough to believe his future will be just as beautiful, more so."

Orhan Pamuk, The Museum of Innocence

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013


One hundred and almost two years later. Nothing but just a "place" where to put down words and thoughts about my life and feelings. Still, just one level down since there will be always things that will stay trapped deep in my mind.

With this blog and 100 posts I'm also obliged to look at my life in this city. It comes together. I wouldn't be writing if I was at home, under the sunshine of the eternal spring of my hometown. Still, this place seems to have converted into my current home (finally I call it "home"). I don't really know for how long, but I know that the time here has ran by like water between my fingers and it still does.

I have been sort of neglecting this post. Maybe because I have not being in the best mood. Maybe I'm  a bit tired.  I would have wanted to reach a post number 100 in a different angle, but that's just not happening and I still feel the need to come here to deposit words... not much more than that... hoping for better times, sunny days and better mood.