
domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2011

You don't say hi

You don't say hi just like that. I was not there to have casual conversation and that sort of interaction that you do normally have with people on the street. At least give me the credit of an "ex". I prefer that title that the one of "we are cool, aren't we?". I prefer that treatment and to continue with my life and my plans instead of keep looking back.

I'm sorry I cannot be the person that you need around and I'm sure you would have wanted to be the person that I needed around some time ago. It's just bad timing as you said. I can't be what you need and you couldn't be there for me when I needed you the most. That makes a score of 1-1 and that means no pending things to talk about.

I have had my piece of cake. Hope that makes you feel better and I hope that you can understand that same as you or the people next to you, I'm entitled to dream about a happy life. I have doubts about reaching it, but you can't tell me that I'm wrong because of that.

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